Harriet is a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist and a Certified PODD Presenter located in Sydney, Australia. Harriet uses an aided language approach in her work with children and adults who have complex communication needs. Harriet also uses key word signs within her approach.
Harriet completed a Master of Research program at Macquarie University in 2019 focusing on researching parent and child outcomes when coaching parents to implement augmentative and alternative communication using a PODD communication system at home.
Harriet has over 30 years experience working with young children, school children and adults. She has previously worked for the Cerebral Palsy Alliance, Northcott and the Independent Living Centre NSW. Harriet has extensive experience working collaboratively with individuals, their families and team members to implement AAC and assistive technology.
Harriet has worked on projects such as:
Complex Communication Needs: Guidelines for Speech Pathologists who Support People with a Disability, for the NSW Department of Family and Community Services.
Collaborative Teamwork for Students with High Support Needs, a continuing education course, Special Education Centre, Macquarie University.
Communication Programming for Students with Severe Intellectual Disability, a curriculum support document for the NSW Department of Education.
Harriet is a member of Speech Pathology Australia, Agosci, ARATA (Australian Rehabilitation Assistive Technology Association), ISAAC (International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication) and ACCAN (Australian Consumer Communication Advocacy Network). Harriet assists in administering the PODD Interest Group Australia Facebook page.
Key Areas of Interest
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD) communication system
Communication Rights – we all have the right to communicate. Considering our legal responsibilities and practical ways to uphold this right.
Communication for All – helping individuals, communication partners and organisations learn how to support communication in everyday life.
Collaborative Teamwork.
Harriet Korner Consulting is partnering with Sheree Henley at The Good Life Builders to create supports for communication partners and disability support workers.